• Bajunaid: The Institute of Management has provided nearly 25,000 training opportunities during the past five weeks


    ​During a meeting organized by the Asharqia Chamber remotely​

    Bajunaid: The Institute of Management has provided nearly 25,000 training opportunities during the past five weeks​

    The Director-General of the Branch of the Institute of Public Administration in the Eastern Region, Dr. Muhammad Bajnaid, revealed that the Institute of Public Administration (is an independent government institution with a legal personality), during the past five weeks, it provided about 25 thousand training opportunities, confirming a promising future for distance training after the end of the Corona crisis, And that the crisis created a conviction of its usefulness, and that it is a candidate for increase in use due to the success achieved during the crisis, and pointed to the "enrichment" platform and its role in providing short training programs remotely absorbed larger numbers than before, in addition to its role in providing programs, conferences and electronic lighting, as well as to     leadership performance development Academy and what they offer of practical workshops and what is owned by a large database, and what is contained in programs for promising leaders ranging from 12 to 24 months.

    This came during the meeting organized by the Asharqia Chamber represented by the Training and Education Committee, on Friday 15 May 2020, through the "Zoom" program, and it came under the title (Training and its Role in Development), and it was moderated by Iman Al-Faqih, member of the Committee.

    Bajunaid said that the Corona crisis increased the confidence in distance training and its ability to expand and spread more than before, as the crisis gave great confidence in completing training programs via electronic applications, as it achieved the required interaction, noting that the coming period will witness more applications for training Remotely provide greater comfort in use and achieve the full training objectives

    Bajunaid stressed that training in the Kingdom is increasing, due to the high levels of awareness of its returns among institutions and individuals in society, but it needs more attention to all its components, including the training of trainers and the updating of tools and methods as well as training curricula in line with developments, indicating the need to be aware Institutions are elements of the training process and it begins with identifying needs and ends with measuring impact, so that the employee goes to the training that he actually needs, pointing out the importance of the direct head in the work identifying the needs of the employee who works with him for the training he receives, and then that measures the impact that training for employee performance.

    Bajunaid pointed out that there is a diversity in the length of training programs, and that the new employee differs in his training needs from the old employee, who is in a greater need for short and focused professional programs like the employee who moves in the work from one place to another.​

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